Yellow Coneflower Plants
Yellow Coneflower Plants
Full SunHeight at Maturity
Under 12 InchesUsage
FloweringShipped As
NowPlanting Zones
3-9Yellow Coneflower Plants
Native to the midwest portions of the United States, the Yellow Coneflower plants are a favorite of landscaping professionals. This tall, slender plant provides a prominent yellow hue for any garden design. Its cheerful and airy appearance, similar to a daisy, and its ability to grow in almost all soil conditions make it the perfect choice for even the most novice homeowner.
The Yellow Coneflower Plants Appearance
This plant has distinctive flowers that develop at the apex of its various stems. Each plant will have several soft yellow petals that droop down. At their center, you'll find a green cone in the early summer months that turns brown towards the late fall. This low-maintenance, durable plant is heat and flood-resistant.
Its central cone hosts many seeds, which the plant uses for propagation
Many animals, including birds and butterflies, find these seeds tasty treats. This plant is deer—and rabbit-resistant. With its fibrous root system and long taproots, it will stay hardy and rebloom year after year.
The Yellow Plants Many Uses
Feed the bees! They absolutely love this plant I have over 40!