Planting Instructions
Planting Guide
Planting ferns
Ferns look well growing along the side of a bank near a creek or pond and look incredible in hanging baskets, around house foundations (to hide blocks), or planters. When it comes to ferns, many people love them but aren't quite sure how to plant them. If you follow these few simple steps, you should be able to have gorgeous-looking ferns in no time.

Here are some simple instructions on planting and caring for the fern.
1. Location - The first thing to do is determine where the fern will be placed in your flower bed/garden. Knowing where your plant will be placed to grow well is essential.
2. What Kind - After determining where your plants will be located, you must decide what kind of fern you want. The fern must be able to thrive in the soil and light condition of the chosen spot. So it would help if you took note of the area's sunlight and things of that nature. Also, check the soil ph level, which can be done with simple test strips found at your local garden center. Remember to check on the water exposure for the area since some ferns require vast amounts of water.
3. Purchase your plant
4. When you pick up the plant, check it for insects, dead spots, and other signs of a deteriorating plant. Pu chasing your plant from us, you won't have to worry about this - since we only ship top-quality plants.
5. Now that you have your plant, you must select the exact spot where the plant will be placed. Dig a hole twice the size of the roots and add fertilizer if needed. Then place the plant (tear some of the roots, so they spread out) in the hole and fill in the sides. Water the plant immediately afterward. Also, be sure to water it on a regular schedule.
6. Now, you can sit back and enjoy your plant's growth and beauty.
By following these few simple steps, you can enjoy the look of a vast, hardy, and dense fern in no time!
Planting a bare root tree

Do you know how to plant a bare root tree? Or do you even know what a bare root tree is? Any bare root plants are plants that have been grown in the ground and dug up to be shipped directly to you. These plants are usually shipped in burlap bags around their roots. Here are some simple instructions on planting and caring for bare root trees.
1. Location - Determine where your flower bed /garden will be. This is needed before you can select what tree you're going to purchase. Always remember not to plant any trees around or near walkways, driveways, or pipes, such as the septic line.
2. What kind of tree do you want - Determine what plants can grow there and thrive. (This means taking in water consumption, sunlight, and ph levels) Once you've determined which will live in your selected spot, determine what you want in that spot. Trees such as great white Oaks need a large amount of room, while small dwarf apple trees need only a tiny amount of room.
3. Shop - Once you have determined what you're getting, do your shopping and get your tree.
4. Inspect your tree - Once you get your plant, it should be checked for breaks, insects, dead limbs, and other signs of plant deterioration.
5. Dig - Now that you've got your tree, you should dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. This can be done quickly with a post-hole digger or a shovel. The plant should have fertilizer added to it and the hole filled in. The plant should be immediately watered. Add mulch or pine needles around the trunk so the water can slowly be absorbed.
6. Stabilize the tree - Many small trees or saplings may have to be supported so that they won't fall over and the trunks will grow upright.
7. Sit back and relax, and watch your tree grow.
8. Remember, planting a tree (and other landscaping) can be rewarding and add value to your home.
While we would like to be able to help, please do not call our office regarding landscaping ideas or what trees to choose because there are many factors (including personal taste) you must consider. We are a wholesale business and not in the landscaping industry. Do all your necessary homework (half the fun), and then call us to place orders or check availability. We keep our phone lines available for orders and order-related availability questions only.
To ask about shipping, please email; we usually answer all emails within 24 hours.
Planting a bare root shrub

1. Location - Determine your planting area. This includes where the plant is going to be placed and the plants surrounding area. It would help if you also took note of any electrical wires, sewage lines, or gas pipes that may be under your selected area. Also, determine the amount of water, sun, and space the plant will need and assure the chosen location is a good fit for the shrub you choose.
2. Determine the right plant - Next, you should find what shrub you will put in the area. This means you must find what will grow and thrive in that specific area and then choose what you want from your list of plants that will live in that spot. When picking a plant, the things that should be considered include the shrub's maximum size, soil ph levels, fertilizer, sunlight, and water consumption.
3. Go shopping- Look around at different plant sellers to see who has the best prices for quality shrubs. Save some time by choosing us because we sell at wholesale prices directly to the public.
4. Check your plant over - Once you get your plant, check it over. It would help if you looked for insects, cracks or breaks, dead leaves, and severe yellowing of the leaves. These may indicate that the plant may be dying or at risk of dying. Our plants are guaranteed, so this is another reason to purchase from us.
5. Planting-To plant your shrub, dig a hole that is twice the size of the root ball. Insert the shrub and proper fertilizer. Then fill the area around the plant with dirt. Next, your plant should be watered.
6. Sit back, relax, and watch your plant grow.
This can be very rewarding with just a little hard work.
Planting a bare-root Perennial plant
Are you interested in planting some bare root perennial plants? Or do you even know what a bare root perennial plant is? A bare root perennial is a perennial plant that has been grown in the ground and not a pot and is dug up the day of shipment. Usually, their roots are placed in a burlap bag that keeps them reasonably moist for transport. But do you know how to plant them? Here are some simple instructions on planting them. Spacing needs to be 12" to 4 feet.

1. Selecting the area- Determine where your flower bed, hedge, small natural area is going to be, that is the first question. Once this has been determined you should note where you want plants and those areas qualities. Some of the qualities that should be noted are sunlight, water levels, ph levels, and type of soil.
2. Selecting a Plant- Next you should do some research on what plants can live and thrive in those conditions. Then from that list of plants, simply select the ones that you like the most. Our site, including our blog, can help you make your decision. You can also check out the USDA Planting Zones to determine what zone you reside in and which plants will thrive.
3. Shopping-The third thing to do is to shop around for the best value plant you can find. If you don't you may be paying too much. We know that if you shop around, you'll find our prices can't be beat.
4. Checking the Plant- As soon as you get your plant, check it over. The plant may have signs that it is unhealthy. Signs that include insect infestation, dead limbs, large amounts of yellowing leaves, and breaks in the plant. Once again, if you buy from us, you should not experience these problems!
5. Planting- In order to plant your new perennial you must first dig a hole twice the size of the plants root ball. Insert the plant and fertilizer (it should have fertilizer added) and fill in the hole. Immediately water the plant.
6. Watch your plant grow and thrive in its new home. (Don't forget to water regularly)
By following these few simple steps you can have great perennials to enjoy year after year in no time.
Planting bare root ground cover
Does your yard or flowerbed need some ground cover? Or are you planning a new flower bed that will make use of a groundcover's ability to spread? Either way, have you considered using a bare root ground cover? A bare root ground cover is a ground cover plant that was grown in a field instead of in a flower bed. These plants are dug up right before they are sent to your house. The roots are generally wrapped on a burlap sack to help retain moisture. Do you know how to plant these kinds of plants? Here are some helpful tips.

1. First, you must determine where your plant or new flowerbed is going. This means to also take into account that there may be underground wires or pipes in the area. You should also survey the area's general growing qualities, including the amount of sunlight (shade, total, partial), water amounts, soil ph levels, and the kind of soil present.
2. Picking a ground cover - Then take the qualities that you have organized for the location of your plant, and use them to narrow down what plants will live in that kind of zone. Once you know what plants will live there, you can pick which ones you like the most.
3. Shopping - Wait! Don't just buy the first plant you see! Shop around; look for who has the best value on a quality plant.
4. Getting your plant- Once you've got your plant to check it over for dead spots. The list of things that generally mean a damaged plant includes insect infestation, dead parts, severely yellowing leaves, and other severe signs. If any of these are present, contact your dealer.
5. Planting your purchase - To plant your new ground cover, you must dig a hole twice the plant's root ball size. Then insert the plant into the hole, add fertilizer and fill in the hole. Immediately water the plant.
Please sit back and marvel as your plant thrives in its new home.
Planting bare root wetland plants
Do you know how to plant a bare root wetland plant? A wetland plant is a plant that is either grown in the water or around the edge of the water (swamps are included). A "bare root" plant is a plant that has been grown in a field or, in this case, a pond or similar environment and dug out the day of shipment. These plants are a little bit more challenging to plant but can be done with a bit of care. Here are some simple instructions:

1. First, you must determine where your pond, wetland area, or individual plant will be placed. The area that you select should be surveyed for specific qualities such as water levels (if it is just a wetland), soil moisture, sunlight, ph levels, and other contributing factors.
2. Selecting your plant - The next thing to do is to select what plants can grow in that specific area. From that list of plants, you should pick a plant to buy.
3. Go Shopping! - Make sure that you don't just go and buy the first plant you see. Look around until you find a good deal (We've got the best deals around!).
4. Plant health - Inspect the plant for damage. The list of damage includes insect infestations, breaks or tears in the plant, massive amounts of yellowing, and any other severe damage signs.
5. Planting - For the wetland plants, dig a hole twice the plant's root ball size. The plant should be placed in the hole with fertilizer and then filled in, water immediately afterward. For pond plants, a simple burying of the root into the mud will be sufficient.
6. Sit back and relax, and watch your plants grow.
Planting Live Stakes
Live stakes, like all plants, need soil, water, and sunlight. The best species to use for live stakes are willows and red osier dogwood because they are easy to grow and have excellent root strength. Black cottonwood can also be used, but cuttings from this species do not grow as consistently well. Live stakes should be planted in areas that will remain moist throughout the growing season, such as along the water line on stream banks or in wetlands. Follow the instructions below to make and plant your live stakes.

- Cut stakes from long, upright branches taken off the parent plant. Typically, life stakes should be between 18 and 24 inches long and at least three-eighths of an inch in diameter. Follow the guidelines suggested in the ethics of plant collection (below).
- Make a straight cut at the narrow end of the stake (toward the tip of the branch). At the thicker end (toward the trunk), cut the branch at an angle to make a point. This way, you will know which end is up, and it will be easier to drive the stakes into the ground. It is essential to plant live stakes with the right end in the ground; otherwise, they will die.
- Remove the leaves and small branches from the stakes as soon as possible after cutting them to keep the stakes from drying out.
- Dip the top (blunt cut, narrow end) 2-3 inches of the stakes in latex paint immediately after they are cut. The paint marks which end up; also seal the exposed cut end and help prevent drying and cracking. You can also use different paint colors to color code different species of cuttings, planting times, and other treatments. The paint will also make the stakes visible once planted so people won't trip over them.
- Plant your stakes within 24 hours for the best results. In the meantime, keep them moist or wet in buckets or wet burlap sacks. Please keep them in the shade on hot days until you plant them.
- Soak or dip the bottom ends of cuttings in a solution of plant rooting hormone before planting to speed up growth (you don't need to use rooting hormone for most willows or red osier dogwood. These species have incipient root buds ready to go and will root immediately.)
- Drive the stakes into the stream bank or wetland soil at least one foot deep (the more profound, the better). Leave three to six inches above the ground surface so they can sprout leaves. At first, the stakes will survive by rooting, but eventually, leaves will sprout from the exposed end of the stakes.
- Drive stakes into the ground with a rubber mallet to avoid damaging them. Use a planting bar or length of rebar to start the hole in hard soils.
- Use long stakes at least one-half inch in diameter when planting in riprap (rocks). The longer, thicker stakes will survive heating and drying better than smaller diameter cuttings.
- Use longer stakes and leave one foot sticking above the ground if the stake is shaded by surrounding vegetation. If a willow stake gets too much shade, it will drop its new leaves and die. If the area you are planting will be heavily shaded, use a more shade-tolerant riparian species such as salmonberry. Bear in mind. However, that salmonberry stems dry out more quickly.
- Keep the whips! (The slender twigs snipped off during stake cutting.) Whips will grow nicely if planted in moist areas at the edges of streams and wetlands. Push them into the ground as far as they will go without breaking.
The best time to plant live stakes is during the dormant season. In western Washington, for example, this is roughly from the beginning of November through the end of February. However, live stakes planted in October and March will flourish almost as well. Live stakes can also be planted during the growing season, especially at sites that will remain moist, although survival rates will be lower. Plant live stakes whenever you can; any that die can easily be replaced during the dormant season.