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White Oak Seedlings

White Oak Seedlings

Regular price $0.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.99 USD
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The minimum quantity for this product is 100


Full Sun

Height at Maturity

Over 25 Feet



Shipped As



Nov 20th through April 28th (Dormant Season)

Planting Zones


White Oak Seedlings

White Oak seedlings are native to North America on the eastern side. The Latin name for this majestic tree is "Quercus Alba." This tree can be planted in either acidic or alkaline soil and likes it when its soil is damp. The White Oak is known for its shade; on occasion, the canopy that it sprouts can be as complete as the tree is tall! At maturity, the White Oak can be anywhere from 70-100 feet high with a width of 40 - 50 feet!

The White Oak Seedlings Characteristics

Likewise, this tree is in no hurry to sprout up. Most White Oak grow less than one foot a year, but these big, beautiful trees can live for hundreds of years once they hit maturity. Not only is the White Oak known for its shade, but it also has its unique beauty. In the springtime, these trees can sprout beautiful flowers, and in the autumn, the leaves turn a vibrant hue of red that you cannot find on any other tree.

These Seedlings Is Great For Wildlife

Flowers, leaves, and acorns grow from the White Oak tree. The acorns that fall from the tree provide sustenance to several animals and wildlife that enjoy them. Deer, squirrels, and rabbits love to indulge in a feast of acorns lying on the ground near the White Oak tree—birds like turkeys, pheasants, and songbirds like to dine on the nuthatches. Bucculatricidae, a member of the moth family, receive their nourishment from the White Oak tree alone.


Oakwood from these trees is intense and resists rot, and its unique shade of light brown is visually appealing. This wood makes several things, such as boats, furniture, and flooring.


White Oak Seedlings have been around for centuries, providing beauty, shade, and food for animals that enjoy them.

White Oak Seedling is For Sale at TN Wholesale Nursery with Low Prices and Fast Shipping.

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David Easton
White Oak...

White Oak Seedlings