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Pee Gee Hydrangea Shrubs

Pee Gee Hydrangea Shrubs

Regular price $2.60 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.60 USD
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The minimum quantity for this product is 25


Sun or Shade

Height at Maturity

Under 10 Feet



Shipped As



Nov 20th through April 28th (Dormant Season)

Planting Zones


Pee Gee Hydrangea Shrubs

Pee Gee Hydrangea shrubs (paniculata) are deciduous plants that display white midsummer blooms that later turn pink. It can be cultivated as a small tree or large flower shrub capable of reaching 20 feet in height. Hardy and tolerant of urban environments, this type of shrub thrives in full sun, partial shade, and moist soil.

Pee Gee Hydrangea Shrubs Have Huge Blooms In Summer And  Fall

It plays beautiful, creamy white blooms from mid-summer until early fall. Flowers are large and heavy enough to cause branches to arch slightly downward, giving this bush an attractive, tropical appearance. Each bloom has four petals about 13 inches long and seven inches wide. Towards fall, flowers may change to a pale purplish pink if conditions are drier than average.

The Shrub Loves Bright SunLight

Plant it where it receives bright sunlight throughout the afternoon. Please give them a good soaking once or twice a week. They prefer deep watering over more shallow, daily watering. Soak roots thoroughly at each watering session to establish a robust root system.

In early spring, sprinkle fertilizer around the base of the Pee Gee Hydrangea before watering. Repeat this in May and late July. Adding a couple of inches of pine needle or bark chip mulch around the tree's base helps control weed growth, retains moisture, and provides insulation for roots during the winter.

The Shrub Transplants Well

It adapts well to transplants. The location of where you want to plant depends on whether you intend to prune the plant to be a small tree or a large bush. Primarily pest and disease-free, they increase as shrub borders, hedge accents, on open lawns, and in landscaped areas.

Pruning should be done in early spring and late fall or whenever the bush needs to be shaped. When bloom heads develop in the summer, stop pruning until the growing season is completed.

Propagating paniculata

Since this shrub does not produce seeds, it must be propagated from cuttings. When planting a cutting, ensure the area where the roots meet the stem is inserted less than an inch below ground level. Deeper planting may promote root deterioration. After planting the cutting, sprinkle fertilizer on the soil and water and add mulch.

The Shrubs Wintercare

Break or cut off dead blooms to prevent them from weighing down branches in winter. Wrap burlap around the base trunk of the tree or bush to help insulate roots and retain moisture.

If deer are a problem in winter, consider placing chicken wire around your Pee Gee hydrangea shrubs.

Brushing off snow after each snow event prevents heavy snow from accumulating on branches. This also allows as much sunlight as possible to reach branches and the lower half of the bush.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Linda Burton
Pee Gee Hydrangea

I had this planted a year ago and experienced it blooms partly full. Excited for this coming summer though

Polly Klein
Pee Gee hydrangeas

I just love the hint of pink in the blooms; just gorgeous.