Hydrangea Arborescence Live Stakes
Hydrangea Arborescence Live Stakes
Full SunHeight at Maturity
Over 10 FeetUsage
AquaticShipped As
NowPlanting Zones
3-9Hydrangea Arborescence Live Stakes
Hydrangea Arborescence Live Stakes are deciduous, medium-sized shrub that will perform well in the warmer USDA plant hardiness zones. This bush gets its common name from the leaves and berries, which emit a mildly spicy aroma when bruised or crushed.
The species is a native of the eastern United States, mainly in the southeastern region, the lower midwest, and west as far as Texas and Oklahoma.
Some gardeners might shorten the common name Northern Spicebush to just Spicebush.
Hydrangea Arborescence Live Stakes Care And Maintenance
In nature, the shrub grows in full sun or partial sunshine clearings, meadows, and slopes. It requires about an inch of water per week but prefers to stay dry, so quick-draining soil is necessary.
However, once you meet the light and drainage requirements, the northern spicebush will become very independent; it needs nothing more from you except water during a dry week.
TN Nursery customers often order to use in these locations:
- Shade garden (in a partially sunny spot)
- Rock garden
- Pollinator garden
- Natural area
- Urban garden
- Native species garden
The Live Stakes Brings Natural Beauty to Your Landscape
The shrub is a nicely sized species that can reach about fifteen feet high but is also tolerant of pruning. The leaves are medium- to dark green, oval, and about five inches long. They turn gold in the autumn.
The bark is grayish-brown and has light speckling. Tiny medium-yellow to dark gold flowers appear in small but attractive clusters in the early weeks of spring. These flowers later produce clusters of fruits--red berries that ripen in the late summer through early fall.
Order Your Flowering shrubs From TN Nursery Today
TN Nursery is one of America's most trusted sources of high-quality plants and shrubs. Please place your order for the Hydrangea Arborescence live Stakes with us today and get excellent results.
A perfect flower in my grounds. These pure white blooms are just so vibrant.
These look great in front of my house.
This is a wonderful addition to my flower garden. beautiful blooms