Cinnamon Fern
Cinnamon Fern
Sun or ShadeHeight at Maturity
Under 3 FeetUsage
Border PlantsShipped As
5-7 DaysPlanting Zones
4-9Cinnamon Fern
Cinnamon Fern is a low-maintenance type commonly found in moist, swampy areas due to its partiality to wet soils. The first encounter with this type goes back over 75 million years.
Cinnamon Fern Turns Yellowish-Green When Young
After these sprout out of the base, they begin to turn yellowish-green in appearance and grow to be anywhere from two to four feet long.
The Fern Is A Larger Native Fern Species
It got its name because the fronds take on a brown color at their fertile stages. The fronds can spread to approximately 30–150 cm long and 2–2.5 cm wide.
This Fern Spreads By Spores
These fertile pieces can be spotted not only by their brownish hue but also by their spores. These spores drop off the fronds as colder months approach, but the fronds remain intact and in good health.
The Fern Love Shade
Cinnamon fern is recommended for planting in full to partial Shade and moist soil areas rich in texture. They are primarily found in boggy areas throughout the wild and appreciate a damp environment. If planted within a vessel, the planting container should be 4.5 inches or more.