Sheet Moss - 25 Square Feet
Sheet Moss - 25 Square Feet
Full ShadeHeight at Maturity
Under 6 InchesUsage
Shade GardensShipped As
NowPlanting Zones
4-9Sheet Moss
While the landscaping uses for sheet moss are limited by the grower’s imagination, one favorite use is as a canvas to highlight flowering plants, especially low-growing species, scattered against the dense ground cover. Another preferred practice is to let it stand alone in a garden by making the most of its ability to scale vertical objects and create a bright, three-dimensional display that topiary shrubs are hard-pressed to match.
Sheet Moss Has Tiny Leaves
It has layers of triangular leaves that the human eye cannot see without magnification. It reveals its primitive heritage through the lack of an internal vascular system while reproducing via spores.
The Moss Can Get 4 Inches Tall
Under a magnifying glass, it consists of layered rows of triangular leaves that increase in a vine-like manner. These tangled vines form mounds from one-half inch to four inches in height. Below, a collection of thread-like roots called rhizoids serves no purpose but to secure the plant.
Growing This Moss
It is quickly grown in shady or semi-shady locations and likes dampness since it can’t store water. It’s adaptable to various soil conditions but prefers an acidic surface. The absence of capillaries allows these types to handle significant downward compression without damage. However, their tiny anchor roots make them vulnerable to horizontal forces, so be careful when walking on them.
There’s Always Room for This Moss
Since it is such tiny flora, there’s bound to be a spot in the yard. In exchange for providing a home, sheet moss rewards the grower by radiating a brilliant green throughout winter and summer.
I love to grow my own sheet moss at the farm and carry few to my own home garden. Wonderful looking carpet like mosses.
This looks great planted out in front of the cabin.