What Are the Different Planting Zones
You must select the correct planting zone to find suitable trees for your location. After all, certain plants cannot survive in specific locations. It only looks usual to see coffee trees outside of the equatorial region. On the other hand, certain trees grow in the tundra that would have no shot of surviving in the tropics. If you are trying to plant trees in Tennessee, read a few TN nursery reviews to find a nursery that will supply you with healthy trees. Then, learn more about the planting zone in which you are located.
Why Do Planting Zones Matter
Plant hardiness zones, usually called planting zones, are standards that professional gardeners, arborists, and growers can use to determine which plants are likely to grow in a specific location. The map is broken up into approximately a dozen zones. Therefore, the plant hardiness zones in Tennessee will be relatively warm.
What Are Planting Zones Located in TN
In general, most of the planting zones in Tennessee will fall into planting zones 6, 7, and 8. Planting zones located in the southwestern corner of Tennessee tend to be warmer than those located in the mountains of the Northeast region. Therefore, the southwestern zone, close to Memphis, falls into planting zone 8. On the other hand, planting zones located in the mountains, just east of Cookeville, fall into planting zone 6. The area surrounding Nashville in the Cumberland Valley falls into planting zone 7. The average annual minimum temperature of planting zone 6 is between -10 and 0 degrees F. Planting zone 7 is 0 to 10 degrees F (as an annual minimum) while planting zone 8 is 10 to 20 degrees F.
Read TN Nursery Reviews To Find a Strong Nursery for Your Needs
Ultimately, if you are looking for healthy trees that will survive near your home or office, you need to find the right nursery to help you. In addition to considering your planting zone, you also need to consider how much sun exposure you get, how much water is present, and the elevation of your specific terrain. If you read a few TN nursery reviews, you can find professionals who will help you make the right decision for your specific location. To learn more about the types of trees that grow in our local area, look at our site!