The Tasty Wild Plum Tree

The Tasty Wild Plum Tree

The wild plum tree grows to a height of 20-30 feet. When it matures, it has a width of 15-25 feet. This also makes it ideal for providing shade or fruit in your landscape.

How Do You Take Care Of Wild Plum Trees?

Wild plum trees are very hardy and can survive in most soil conditions. They require little care and will thrive in full sun or partial shade.

How Much Sunlight Can A Wild Plum Tree Take?

Wild plum trees do best when planted in an area with at least six hours of sunlight daily. If you live in less sunlight, grow your wild plum tree in a container to move it to a more sunny location during the growing season.

Do Wild Plum Trees Back Up Every Year?

Yes, wild plum trees back up yearly because they do not have any significant pests or diseases that could kill them off quickly.

What Does A Wild Plum Tree Look Like?

The Plum has a dark-grey bark, sometimes with corky warts. The buds are bluish-green, very hard, and covered with brown bark. The branches droop down, but the young ones stand straight up.

Where Do Wild Plum Trees Grow?

Wild plum trees usually grow naturally along streams or riverbanks where there is plenty of sunlight but still some shade available for growth during the hot summer months when temperatures rise above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celsius). You will find these types of conditions in most parts of North America.


Wild Plum Trees Are A Wonderful Addition To A Fruit Orchard