Live Stake Uses in Streambank Plantings
Live stakes: Live stakes are live wood cuttings that come from various types of plants. At first glance, these wooden stakes look like they don’t serve a function in society, but don’t be fooled because live stakes serve several valuable functions. One of their most important functions is to generate a smooth roof surface, which can become stable by renewing soil particles and merging them to create a whole entity. Another function that these plant cuttings offer to society is that they help improve the visual appeal of a garden by acting as a home for several wild plants, and they are used to anchor down certain materials and plants. These cuttings grow 3 to 8 ½ inches in diameter and 2 to 4 inches in length.
Black willow: The black willow, otherwise known as the Salix Nigra is a species of willow that grows in the eastern regions of North America. This type of willow tree is characterized by its impressive stature, which reaches heights of 33 to 98 ft tall. The black willow is a deciduous tree that has a thick and sturdy bark made out of willow that is black to dark brown. In addition, the shoots produced by these trees range in color from yellow to brown and even purple.
Elderberry: The elderberry is a mixture of 5 to 30 kinds of miniscule trees belonging to the family of Adoxaceae. But in past years, this plant was placed in a different genus altogether: in the honeysuckle family. This plant serves several functions in society, one of which is food. However, some parts of the elderberry are poisonous; therefore, the sap is extracted steadily and carefully. In addition, these plants have been used in cultivation as showy flowers.
Sand bark willow: These trees are classified in the genus known as Saliclix, which features around 400 types of similar trees and shrubs. The sand bark willow trees grow in cold, moist regions, a deciduous tree type. The sand bark willows produce a liquid-like and sticky sap with high levels of salicylic acid, and they also have a very tough bark made out of resistant wood. Another thing this tree has is very thick foliage, characterized by a long and elongated shape that looks somewhat droopy. Finally, these trees produce small flowers that vary in color.
Nurseries That Sell Live Stakes