
Energy Efficient Gardening

There are ways to garden while doing your part to conserve materials and reduce your carbon footprint. Energy-efficient gardening is something that has become more popular in recent years due to advances in gardening. There are many ways to save time and energy while keeping plants healthier and using energy-efficient gardening. Advances in green technology include battery-operated and electric-powered lawnmowers.

They do not contain gasoline but are also superior in quality and easily maneuverable. Those who get headaches from gasoline odor will like a clean-burning mower and do not emit toxic fumes that irritate the body. With a gas-powered lawnmower, there is also the chance of not having to run to the gas station to fill up on gas. Look into electric grass trimmers and other gadgets that may improve your life regarding energy-efficient gardening.

This new technology is ever-evolving, so look online to see the latest advancements from companies. Energy-efficient gardening can also come in the form of soil quality. Organic soil is best if you are environmentally conscious. With organic soil comes less acidity and natural elements that are healthier for plants in the long run. Organic mulches and compost are other options you can use to your advantage if you shoot for energy-efficient gardening. There are numerous ways to kill harmful insects and fungus using home remedies regarding chemicals and pesticides. Potassium bicarbonate can kill fungus and citrus, and hot pepper juice can kill insects and ward off small animals.

These are a couple of examples of using natural agents to keep plants at bay. For animal pests, there are a wide variety of organic animal repellents which contain the scents of an animal’s most feared predator. These are safe to use around plants and will not harm the animal that is always after your plants. If trying to conserve water, soaker hoses contain tiny pores that slowly drip around any area. These hoses can be placed underground and are a great way to conserve water while at the same time allowing your plants and roots to get the water they need. When it comes to planting, not much of a carbon footprint is used since gardening benefits the planet and does not use much energy. However, there are plenty of methods for energy-efficient gardening which will benefit gardeners and the planet in the long term.

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